Community Education

Leadership volunteers offer their time, talents, and expertise in a variety of areas to ensure that the American Arthritis Foundation reaches its annual mission and fundraising goals for the local market area. It all starts by educating the local community about options for arthritis prevention and treatment. The ability to reach out and educate the public is one of our most critical roles and responsibilities.

Community Education is a unique education concept that embraces these beliefs:

Education is a lifelong process;

Everyone in the community - individuals, businesses, public and private agencies -- shares responsibility for educating all members of the community; and Citizens have a right and a responsibility to be involved in determining community needs, identifying community resources, and linking those needs and resources to their community.

Community Education results in:

A responsive education system and an improved learning climate in the schools;

Efficient and cost-effective ways of delivering education and community services;

Broad-based community support for schools and other community agencies;

An emphasis on special populations, such as at-risk youth and minorities; and Collective action among all educational and community agencies to address quality of life issues.

Working together - through Community Education - communities can address such concerns and many other community ideas.

Understanding Arthritis Through the Numbers

60 million

Close to 60 million adults have been professionally diagnosed with arthritis.

1in 4

One out of every four adults is affected by some form of arthritis.


A remarkable 300,000 young ones are living with juvenile arthritis.


There are more than 100 conditions related to arthritis

Promoting Interventions That Reduce Arthritis Pain

American Arthritis Foundation recognizes several proven approaches to reduce arthritis symptoms:

  • Be active. Physical activity—such as walking, bicycling, and swimming—decreases arthritis pain and improves function, mood, and quality of life. Adults with arthritis should move more and sit less throughout the day. Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week is recommended.

  • Protect your joints. People can help prevent osteoarthritis by avoiding activities that are more likely to cause joint injuries.

  • Talk with a doctor. Recommendations from health care providers can motivate people to be physically active and join a self-management education program. Should your arthritis be interfering with your activities of daily living you may be a candidate to receive many new treatments, and learn how to reverse the arthritis condition.

Learn more about Arthritis:

Arthritis Advice

Get better control of your arthritis with help from our experts. Arthritis can be confusing, but don't worry, we have the tips you need to make it easier to manage.

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